Light/dark, positive/negative – opposites are a basic part of nature. If it never got dark outside, you would have no real awareness of the sun. It would just always be there so you’d make no special notice of it. Contrasts make us see and appreciate things and help us react to different situations. All things have these contrasts or counterbalances and this helps to keep a natural rhythm and cycle going.
Contrast in faith exists in what mainstream religion terms as good/evil. I have come to really despise classing anything or anyone as “good” or “evil”. I have studied many things long before appearing online and blogging or deciding to become Druid. Most of what I studied dealt with demons, specifically the Goetia. I have also read several texts on the Gnostic and Luciferian paths. There is much in common with Druids and Gnostics / Luciferians mainly because Lucifer is held as a high god by Druids and all three have a strong tie to Cain. I am bringing all of this up to clarify this “evil” word that gets tossed around so easily.
Faith and religion are not exempt from the idea of contrasts. I believe that I have to explore the darkness and test myself to better understand my purpose and direction. The idea that I have the divine within myself and don’t need anyone to “save” me is much more appealing than living as a servant by rules that are impossible to follow and designed to make me feel inadequate. If I learn to see for myself and rely on myself then I can enlighten and illuminate myself on my own terms. That is the path of Cain, the lone path of self discovery that is considered “evil” and would brand me as “evil” or a “devil chaser” because I study it. I read lots of things and I blog lots of things. I know religion is a sticky subject but I also get asked a lot of questions that I feel are best answered openly. I’m not conjuring demons, not sitting in front of a cauldron or anything. I am simply trying to learn and understand.